Our company.

Headquartered in Bresso, in the province of Milan and with a presence in 24 countries around the world, ICOPOWER in addition to being a solid 100% Made in Italy company, positions itself in the market as a unique and reliable partner. The company guarantees a wide range of patented solutions and contract formulas to meet customers' needs in terms of energy efficiency and economic sustainability. Leasing and Energy Performance Contract are the different contractual formulas the company offers to customers.

Detail of ICO F 1000 in a shed
An hourglass with people at work
An electrician at work
Staff of colleagues working on a project

Icopower in numbers.

Icopower is an innovative company that, since 2013 has been supporting CEOs, Energy Managers, CFOs, and Technical Consultants in auditing, monitoring, and optimizing energy consumption.

From the Small and Medium Enterprise to the large energy-intensive reality: the Icopower systems have been created specifically to be applied in any Industrial, Commercial or Tertiary context in order to significantly and measurably lower the incidence of energy costs.

Tons ofCO2
Countries around the world where we bring efficiency
Installations of our technologies
* Given as of 12/31/2023
GWh saved
in the world

Icopower customers
‍in theWorld.

Sit at urna amet elementum ullamcorper hendrerit arcu interdum fermentum leo nisl sapien aliquam proin id purus tellus

World map highlighting countries where Icopower is present

Our story.

The birth of Icopower and its development rest on the human value of those who, from the very beginning, strongly believed in our innovation, our ability to develop innovative and efficient technologies, and who, above all, shared an ideal of economic well-being.

2013 - 14


Icopower was founded in 2013, in Milan as a response to the market need to identify new technologies capable of eliminating energy costs due to surges. Strengthened by the synergy between the know-how gained in the design and construction of large systems by Nicolas Tringali and the foresight of Enrico Rossetti, founding partners, the company is immediately characterized by its propensity to develop new technologies for energy efficiency. A Made in Italy success, which rests its solid foundation on the research and development of the first prototype machines signed Icopower.

Icopower graphic novels
10M Active Users Reached


The immediate positive feedback from the market incentivized the founders to develop new collaborations with technological partners and universities. New Icopower systems were born, no longer just dedicated to large-scale industry.

Icopower graphic novels
Series A Funded

Monitoring 4.0

Icopower develops an innovative monitoring service for the installation of on-machine devices to collect and analyze data, including remotely, in line with the latest principles of Industry 4.0.

Icopower graphic novels
Version 1.0 Launched

The expansion

In 2020, new investors enter Icopower's capital to support the company's commercial expansion. Active with a production hub located in Bresso, in the province of Milan, Icopower is now present in 24 countries.

Icopower graphic novels

Our distinctive elements.

Icopower has always been active in energy efficiency and focuses on offering solutions to improve energy use more efficiently. Our distinctive elements set us apart in the energy efficiency market for businesses.

One hand holds a lit light bulb

Strategic innovation

Since its founding, Icopower has pursued a strategy based on continuous innovation and differentiation of products and services. This enables Icopower to ensure efficiency, flexibility, and a shrinking time-to-market and lead-time to meet every customer demand in a timely manner. This may include feasibility analysis, design, financing, and technical support, including and especially to demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.

A counselor types on a screen

Lean Thinking

Icopower's Lean Thinking approach focuses on finding waste and eliminating it in order to produce more, with less resource consumption. Icopower is immersed in a process of systemic learning and continuous improvement in a constant search for excellence. In this sense, the company, thanks to the information gathered during audits, is able to bring real added value to internal innovation, development and design processes.

A brain-shaped electronic circuit

Technical knowledge

A decade of in-depth technical knowledge of issues related to inefficiency in electrical systems has led Icopower to file numerous invention patents aimed at reducing businesses' electrical consumption. This enables Icopower to offer customized solutions for each client, based on the specific needs of the building or industry. This requires a comprehensive assessment of current energy needs and opportunities for improvement.

Our team.

Highly specialized staff with a technical vocation. Icopower has created an internal "Academy" to carry out a process of continuous updating and improvement of professionalism within the company.

Photos by Nicolas Tringali

Nicolas Tringali

Henry Mary Rossetti
Chief Executive Officer

Enrico Rossetti

Photo by Filippo Borea Carnacini
Chief Executive Officer

Louis Philippe Borea

Photos by Stephen Neva
Organizational Manager

Stephen Neva

Photos by Elvio Semino
Technical Director

Elvio Semino

Photos by Paolo Del Medico
Installation Manager

Paul Del Medico

Photo by Fabio Balza
Production Manager

Fabio Balza

Photos by Gaia Biccolini
Legal Manager

Gaia Biccolini

Piercarlo Portesan
Business Development Manager

Piercarlo Portesan

Ivano Odone
Technical Manager
Sustainability Division

Ivano Odone

Ivano Odone
Sales Manager
Sustainability Division

Manrico Mattarozzi


Our Partners.

ICOPOWER, thanks to the close collaboration with technological Partners of excellence and with the most prestigious Italian Universities, is able to ensure maximum reliability and quality both in the certification of the performance of existing systems and in the development of new prototypes.All ICOPOWER solutions are previously tested within laboratories, including those of Third Party Entities. Specifically, among the most important collaborations are:

Milan Polytechnic's MADE award.The MADE pavilion at the Poitecnico di Milano.
Detail of Icopower's booth at the MADE at the Milan Polytechnic.

Icopower booth at MADE.

Icopower is a partner of the Made Competence Center Industry 4.0.

MADE is a Competence Center for Industry 4.0 created to carry out Orientation, Training and Finalization activities for technology transfer projects with companies on Industry 4.0 issues.

A technical interlocutor that companies can turn to for support during the digital transition phase to a smart factory. The first contact with companies that are not aware of the Competence Center's offer is that of their orientation to increase their awareness of Industry 4.0 issues, with the aim of developing training paths dedicated to technicians, but also to the strategic profiles of companies and carry out technology transfer projects.


We exhibit on a permanent basis at MADE

Icopower exhibits its technologies in operation at the Made headquarters on the campus of the Milan Polytechnic University. Here you can view our energy efficiency solutions and, at the same time, understand how to take advantage of our compliance with the National Industry 4.0 Plan (now"Transition 4.0").

Our Values.

The creation of positive relationships with its Customers, Suppliers, Partners and Collaborators, ethics in business relations and human resources management, transparency in the conduct of business and respect for institutions in every country in the world in which it operates: these, in short, are the rigorous principles contained in Icopower's Code of Ethics and Behavior.


"To be recognized, worldwide, as the leading Player in the industry, able to propose advanced technologies for waste reduction and more responsible use of energy resources, in any application area."


"The ICOPOWER claim "Beyond Energy Saving Technologies" perfectly expresses the essence of the company. An approach that goes beyond the ability to innovate with technology and becomes an expression of a way of thinking, producing and living a responsible future."

Our certifications.

Icopower's technologies are certified by authoritative third-party bodies for maximum transparency of our effectiveness.

A finger presses a digital button

UNI CEI 11352:2014

Icopower complies with the UNI CEI 11352:2014 standard, which defines the requirements for Companies that provide energy services ESCo, in order to be able to offer, to their clients, contracts with guaranteed results based on the energy savings achieved. This is an increasingly popular formula, both in the industrial and civil sectors, because it allows companies to focus on their core activities, relying on sector specialists such as Icopower to access forms of financing through Third Parties or the achievement of White Certificates.

The graph of the IPMVP calculation protocol.

IPMVP® Protocol

The adoption of the IPMVP® protocol is consistent with Icopower's desire to pursue excellence in quality. In fact, the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol was created for the purpose of measuring and verifying the results of an energy, water or renewable energy efficiency intervention, whether in the civil or industrial sector. There are numerous advantages in its application: a greater certainty of consumption and, therefore, of the related expense based on certain and measurable performance and, in the case of the presence of EPC (Energy Performance Contract), the possibility of significantly containing costs. The calculation of energy savings is carried out according to the VDE-AR-E 2055-1:2009 standard for all ICOPOWER systems in the ICO-F, ICO-R and ICO-Air range and validated by applying the IPMVP® procedure through the use of the AMEE method - Energy Efficiency Improvement Actions.

A person taking notes on na card

Additional certifications

The following documents are available upon request:

Polytechnic University of Turin, Department of Energy: Survey of electrical quantities absorbed by different kinds of loads with the ICO FIVE equipment inserted in control mode and bypass mode.

‍University ofTrento, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering: Validation of the mode of the processing of measured voltage and current electrical data, in application of the IPMVP® procedure, for the calculation of energy savings according to the VDE-AR-E 2055-1:2009 standard.

Various patents protecting the ICOPOWER technology.

GHG ISO 14064 Certification

ISO 14064.2

Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A. performed the validation activities in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14064-3. The objective of the validation was to confirm that the predictions contained in the GHG statement are based on reasonable assumptions.
Bureau Veritas Italia S.p.A. concludes that the project document entitled "REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FOLLOWING THE APPLICATION OF ICO-F VOLTAGE OPTIMIZERS PRODUCED BY ICOPOWER S.R.L. - Methodology for quantifying, monitoring and reporting project-level greenhouse gas emissions under ISO 14064-2," version 1.0 dated July 2023, meets the requirements of ISO 14064-2:2019 standard.

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Guide 5.0