Single SEZ 2024

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are areas designated in Italy with the goal of promoting economic growth in southern regions by offering tax benefits and administrative simplifications to attract both local and foreign investment.

Structure and Governance

The Single SEZ, which is operational as of Jan. 1, 2024, replaces the previous eight Special Economic Zones, unifying the territories of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia. A "Cabina di Regia" is established under the Prime Minister's Office to provide guidance, coordination, supervision and monitoring of the Single SEZ. This new governance structure aims to provide specific benefits and set limits for eligible investments.

Sector-Specific Benefits and Eligible Expenditures.

  • Beneficiary Sectors:All enterprises, includingthose in primary production ofiagricultural products, fishing, aquaculture and processing/marketing of related products.
  • Eligible Expenditures: Investment in new machinery, equipment and facilities for existing or new businesses, as well as construction or expansion diterreni and buildings.

Incentives and Development in the Single SEZ

As of January 1, 2024, a subsidy in the form of a tax credit is granted to companies making capital investments in the Single SEZ, complying with the limits set by the 2022-2027 Regional Aid Map. Eligible investments include the acquisition of new machinery, equipment and tools for existing or new production facilities, as well as the acquisition, construction or expansion of investment properties. As of January 1, 2024, therefore, Icopower will be crucial for businesses making capital investments in the Single SEZ, taking advantage of the tax credit offered.

Exclusion from Tax Credit

The tax credit is not applicable to enterprises in specific sectors such as steel, coal, transportation (excluding storage and support activities), power generation, storage, transmission and distribution, broadband, credit, finance and insurance. It also does not apply to enterprises in liquidation, dissolution or distress.

Accessibility and Digital Support

A web portal for the Single SEZ is established to provide information on benefits for businessesand ensure accessibilityto the Single Digital Counter (S.U.D. ZES). Businesses interested in starting economic activities or establishing industrial, manufacturing and logistics activities within the Single SEZ should submit an application, accompanied by the required documentation, to the Single Digital Desk (S.U.D. ZES). More information can be found at:


What tax benefits are provided for enterprises in the ZES Zone?

Businesses starting a new business in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) can benefit from a 50 percent reduction in income tax. This significant tax break was introduced in the Budget Law 2021 to support investment in these areas.

Which Italian regions are included in the single SEZ?

As of Jan. 1, 2024, the Special Economic Zone for the South, known as a single SEZ, will be established, incorporating all municipalities in the following regions: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Apulia, Sicily and Sardinia.
The contents within this article are merely indicative and may be out of date and contain inaccuracies.

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