Energy saving: is it really an achievable goal for SMEs or is it reserved for the budgets of large companies?
Jun 26, 2024

Energy saving: is it really an achievable goal for SMEs or is it reserved for the budgets of large companies?

Italian small and medium-sized businesses often face unique challenges when it comes to managing energy costs and improving efficiency. However, with the right strategies and solutions, energy savings can become an achievable goal, bringing numerous economic and environmental benefits.

Strategies for energy saving in SMEs

To achieve significant results in energy savings, it is important to adopt several targeted strategies.


Energy audit

A professional energy audit, which is a campaign to measure and analyze energy consumption and business processes, can help identify areas of energy waste within your company, enabling targeted corrective measures to be taken. This detailed assessment of your energy activities will allow you to identify inefficiencies and critical points for improvement.


Energy Efficiency

Investing in innovative technologies and solutions to optimize energy use can lead to significant long-term energy savings. For example, installing energy-efficient LED lighting systems or adopting energy-efficient electronic equipment can help reduce operating costs and improve overall business efficiency. Another key step is to act on waste. In particular, eliminating waste due to surges, through voltage optimizers, can generate savings in electricity consumption averaging between 5 percent and 7 percent.


Awareness raising and training

Involving employees in promoting sustainable energy practices and virtuous behavior can help create an energy-saving-oriented corporate culture. Organizing training sessions on energy best practices and involving employees in monitoring and controlling energy consumption can incentivize responsible actions and reduce waste. Sometimes it really only takes a few simple rules to reduce consumption in important ways. Just think of the often exaggerated use of heating or air conditioning, perhaps with windows and doors open rather than the use of lights in unused rooms or leaving appliances on even during the night. A few gestures that multiplied over the year can do a lot for the company and the environment.


Using voltage optimization equipment such as Icopower's can help

Icopower offers a wide range of optimization equipment designed specifically for the needs of SMEs, helping them achieve their energy-saving goals in an effective and cost-effective manner. As in any improvement process, we start with an analysis of consumption and identify areas for improvement. Specifically, Icopower not only performs the audit but also works to find the best solutions to bring you a tangible and verifiable result. Through the implementation of state-of-the-art technologies and the assistance of industry experts, Icopower can support your company at every stage of the energy optimization process.

If you are ready to make energy savings a realityfor your company, contact Icopower today. Together, we can create a tailored strategy to improve your company's energy efficiency and reduce your environmental footprint.

 In fact, investing in energy conservation can not only lead to significant savings in operating costs and thus give you a higher margin on individual products and improve your metrics such as EBITDA, but it also helps reduce your company's environmental impact and improve your reputation in the marketplace. A "green" reputation is increasingly crucial both in direct sales to the end consumer and in B2B relationships. Especially more and more companies are asking and will ask their suppliers what their ESG metrics are and what they are doing to improve them and lower their carbon footprint.

Consider that the savings generated by Icopower equipment, being measured with the same protocol indicated by the GSE for CertificatiBianchi (TEE) is usable in the solidarity budget and can be communicated to customers and suppliers. Don't miss the opportunity to turn your company into a model of sustainability with the help of Icopower.

 Some of our SME clients speak for us:testimonials of success

To fully understand the positive impact Icopower can have on SME energy savings. Here you will find testimonials of success from some of our customers, and in particular, you can hear from some of the SMEs that have chosen Icopower from the testimonials at the links below.


Trafileria Carlo Casati S.p.A

Salumificio Villani Group S.p.A.

Marcegaglia Oskar

Mc Donald's

FAR Die Castings

Artic Freezing Docks

Bear Plast S.p.A.


These are just some of the companies that have chosen Icopower to reduce their energy consumption. More than 2,761 entities in Italy and abroad have chosen Icopower to make their companies more efficient. Some did so purely to increase profitability, others did so because the legislature required them to take action in this regard, and still others because they were obliged to draw up a sustainability report or out of their own ecological consciousness.



Energy saving is an achievable goal for lePMIs, thanks to targeted strategies and innovative solutions such as those offered by Icopower. Through the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, SMEs can reduce energy costs, improve efficiency and help reduce environmental impact. In addition, the energy efficiency offers generated by Icopower include a written guarantee of the achievable performance. This means that the Client enjoys contractual certainty of the savings value stated in the offer and makes Icopower a risk-free choice.

The possibility then of benefiting from "Transition5.0" (Industry 5.0) grants also makes the application of Icopower equipment even more economically/financially viable, further reducing the already excellent payback time of investments.



Are you ready to make energy conservation a reality for your business? Contact Icopower today and find out how we can help you achieve your sustainability and energy-saving goals.

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